What are output Devices{monitor,printers,plotters} Its types and work. 7:37:00 AM Hello friends.. in this post. Today we have going to learn that, what are the output devices? What are the types of output devices and t...Read More
How to create a website blog on blogspot 8:19:00 PM Hello friends, today I will tell you about how to create or start a blog on blogspot. That means in this article, we are going to learn abo...Read More
What are Input Devices {Mouse, Keyboard, Scanner , digitizer} it's Types And work. 7:20:00 AM Hello friends.. in this post. Today we have going to learn that, what is input devices? What are the types of input devices and how to wor...Read More
What is computer hardware?Components of computer hardware? 6:13:00 AM Hello friends.. Today we have going to learn that, what is hardware ?components of hardware? On above topics.. we are going to discuss ...Read More